Before it essentially led me to relatively full burnout in 2021, I spent a fair amount of time over about 18 months heavily involved in Covid-19 responses in various capacities. This is an overview of some of that work.

INSNA Satellite Conference

Along with David Lazer, I organized a satellite conference alongside the annual INSNA (social network) meetings, which ran online July 20-22. About half of the talks are available linked from the conference program.

Colorado COVID-19 Modeling Team

Beginning in Sept 2021, I picked back up working with the team I had for April-December 2020, modeling various aspects of SARS-COV-2 spread and other elements of COVID-19 response for the state of Colorado. I’m collecting those updates together here:

Science Communication

In addition to those larger projects, I also wrote/presented a few pieces trying to publicly translate relevant elements of the pandemic:

Related publications: