selected articles & chapters

This is an incomplete sample of recent and/or key papers of mine. For a complete list, see my CV or Google Scholar page. If you have difficulty locating a complete version of any of these, please email me for a copy. (+ notes mentored student)

2025. Dana K. Pasquale, Tom Wolff, Gabriel Varela, jimi adams, Peter J. Mucha, Brea L. Perry, Thomas W. Valente, & James Moody. “Considerations for Social Networks and Health Data Sharing: An Overview.” Annals of Epidemiology 102: 28-35.
2025. +Paulina Erices-Ocampo, Miranda J. Lubbers, & jimi adams. “Towards a Unified Conceptualization of Social Capital..” Annual Review of Sociology 51: forthcoming.
2024. +Kate Vinita Fitch, Molly Copeland, & jimi adams. “Predictors of romantic partner nomination reciprocity in adolescent social networks.” Social Networks 76: 203-208.
2023. jimi adams & Michał Bojanowski$\dagger$. ($\dagger$ authors contributed equally.) “Do NBA Teams Avoid Trading Players within their Division?Network Science 11(4): 657-669.
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2023. jimi adams. & +Kate Vinita Fitch. “Whose Social Capital: Visualizing Citation & Co-Citation Patterns of a Fragmented Concept.Socius 9:1-4.
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2023. jimi adams & Miranda J. Lubbers (authors contributed equally). “Social Network Data Collection: Principles and Modalities.” Chapter 40 in John McLevey, John Scott, & Peter J. Carrington (eds.) Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis. SAGE.
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2023. +Nicholas W. Landry & jimi adams. “On limitations of uniplex networks for modeling multiplex contagion.PLoS One 18(1):e0279345.
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2022. jimi adams, Elizabeth Lawrence, +Joshua Goode, David R. Schaefer, & Stefanie Mollborn. “Peer Network Dynamics of Adolescents’ Health Lifestyles.Journal of Health & Social Behavior 63(1): 125-141.
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2021. Andrea Buchwald, Jude Bayham, jimi adams, David Bortz, Katie Colborn, Olivia Zarella, Meghan Buran, Jonathan Samet, Debashis Ghosh, Rachel Herlihy, & Elizabeth J. Carlton. “Estimating the Impact of State-Wide Policies to Reduce Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Real Time.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 27(9): 2312-2322.
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2020. jimi adams, Ryan Light, & Nicholas Theis (1st 2 authors contributed equally). “Mobilizing COVID-19 Science.” Contexts 19(4): 36-41.
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2020. jimi adams, +Tatiane Santos, & +Venice Ng Williams. “Strategies for Collecting Social Network Data:Overview, Assessment and Ethics.” Chapter 7 in Ryan Light & James Moody (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Social Networks. Oxford University Press.
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2020. jimi adams, David R. Schaefer, & Andrea Vest Ettekal. “Crafting Mosaics: Person‐Centered Religious Influence and Selection in Adolescent Friendships.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 59(1): 39-61.
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2019. Stéphane Helleringer, jimi adams, Sara Yeatman & James Mkandawire. “Evaluating sampling biases from third-party reporting as a method for improving survey measures of sensitive behaviors.” Social Networks 59: 134-140.
2017. James Moody, jimi adams, & Martina Morris. “Epidemic potential by sexual activity distributions.” Network Science 5(4): 461-475.
2016. Ryan Light & jimi adams. “A Dynamic, Multidimensional Approach to Knowledge Production.” Chapter 6 in Scott Frickel, Mathieu Albert, & Barbara Prainsack (eds.) Investigating Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Theory and Practice across Disciplines. Rutgers University Press.
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2016. jimi adams & David R. Schaefer. “How Initial Prevalence Moderates Network-Based Smoking Change: Estimating Contextual Effects with Stochastic Actor Based Models.” Journal of Health & Social Behavior 57(1): 22-38.
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2015. jimi adams & Ryan Light. “Scientific Consensus, the Law, and Same Sex Parenting Outcomes.” Social Science Research 53: 300-310.
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2014. jimi adams & Ryan Light. “Mapping Interdisciplinary Fields: Efficiencies, Gaps and Redundancies in HIV/AIDS Research.” PLoS One 9(12): e115092.
2013. jimi adams, James Moody, & Martina Morris. “Sex, Drugs, and Race: How Behaviors Differentially Contribute to Sexually Transmitted Infection Risk Network Structure.” American Journal of Public Health 103: 322-329.
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2012. jimi adams, James Moody, Stephen Q. Muth, & Martina Morris. “Quantifying the Benefits of Link-Tracing Designs for Partnership Network Studies.” Field Methods 24(2): 175-193.
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2012. Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow & jimi adams. “Hoop inequalities: Race, class and family structure background and the odds of playing in the National Basketball Association.” International Review for the Sociology of Sport 47(1): 43-59.
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2009. jimi adams & Jenny Trinitapoli. “The Malawi Religion Project: Data collection and selected analyses.” Demographic Research 21(10): 255-288.
2007. jimi adams. “Stained Glass Makes the Ceiling Visible: Organizational Opposition to Women in Congregational Leadership.” Gender & Society 21(1): 80-105.
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2007. jimi adams & James Moody. “To tell the truth: Measuring concordance in multiply reported network data.” Social Networks 29(1): 44-58.
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And just for kicks - this first publication gave me an Erdős number of 4: Erdős Frank Harary Douglas R. White James Moody – me. What’s yours?